Version 2.7.0

New Features

  • Added the clickable action terminal:select such that a specific terminal session can be selected and given focus, without needing to send any command or text to the terminal. If the dashboard containing the terminal is hidden, the dashboard will first be exposed. This is mainly of use when wanting to expose a dashboard tab containing multiple embedded terminals, and you want to ensure a specific terminal is given focus, rather than the last used in that dashboard tab.

  • It is now possible to provide a list of custom labels with a training portal definition for the purposes of identification of a training portal when interacting with multiple training portals via their REST APIs. These custom labels are distinct from Kubernetes resource labels. They will be returned along with the portal details when using the REST API of a training portal to get the list of workshop environments.

  • It is now possible to provide additional custom labels for workshops hosted from a training portal for the purposes of identification of a workshop when interacting with a training portal via it’s REST APIs. These custom labels supplement labels defined in the workshop definition. If the additional label is defined for a specific workshop, it will override any in the workshop definition if there is a name conflict. If an additional label is defined as a default for all workshops hosted by the portal, and a name conflict occurs, that in the workshop definition will still take precedence. The labels will be returned along with the workshop details when using the REST API of a training portal to get the list of workshop environments.

  • When using the REST API of the training portal to get a list of workshop environments, it is now possible to filter list of workshops returned based on workshop name and workshop labels. For more details see Listing available workshops.

  • Add new training portal REST API endpoint for returning available workshops where rather than returning list of workshop environments with the workshop details nested within it, instead return list of workshop details with the details of the current running workshop environment nested within it. This does not provide a way of getting access to workshop environments which are currently in the process of being stopped and the existing REST API endpoint for getting list of workshop environments should be used for that. For more details see Listing available workshops.

  • Add new training portal REST API which returns details for a single workshop environment by name. For more details see Workshop environment status and Listing all workshop sessions

  • Added jdk21-environment workshop base image.

  • Added ability to map services from/to a virtual cluster. To support this, also added a $(vcluster_namespace) variable that can be used in the workshop definition to refer to the namespace used by virtual cluster control plane. For more details see Provisioning a virtual cluster.

  • A default command can now be specified for all terminal sessions by supplying a file in the workshop directory. Where a terminal script exists for a specific session at the same time, it will take precedence.

  • When adding an additional ingress points for a workshop session and the target uses the https protocol, it is now possible to supply the secure property set to false to indicate that certification verification should be skipped. For more details see Defining additional ingress points.

  • Path based prefix routing can now be used in conjunction with additional workshop ingress points. This allows one to combine multiple backend services under one ingress hostname at different URL paths. If necessary the path can be rewritten as it passes through the proxy. For more details see Defining additional ingress points.

Features Changed

  • The version used for the local Kubernetes cluster has been updated to version 1.27.

  • Updated version of Miniconda used in Python workshop base image as the conda package resolver would fail to run when rebuilding the workshop base image using older version of Miniconda.

  • Now set connect and server timeouts for Kubernetes REST API connections created by kopf based operators. This is to try and avoid reported problems of the operators not working on gke clusters when the number of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster is scaled up or down.

  • The current working directory for an examiner test script is now set to the home directory of the workshop user. Previously it was wrongly inheriting the working directory of the workshop dashboard process.

  • When using clickable actions that act against a specific terminal session, that terminal should now remain selected and keep focus such that any text subsequently entered manually will be directed to the terminal. In the case of a clickable action acting on multiple terminal sessions, the first terminal session will keep focus.

  • If a dashboard tab is exposed which contains a single embedded terminal, the terminal will now automatically get focus and text can be entered without needing to first select the terminal. If a dashboard tab contains multiple terminals, then the default terminal (first) will automatically be selected the first time the dashboard tab is exposed, or the last terminal which had focus if the terminals in the dashboard tab had previously been used.

  • When a clickable action is used which targets an embedded terminal, that terminal will now always get focus, even if the terminal were on a hidden dashboard tab and the dashboard tab had to be exposed first.

  • The version of Bootstrap used by workshop dashboard, instructions renderer and training portal user interface upgraded from 4 to 5. This required some structural changes to HTML which may affect theme overrides. Some existing colours in use may have changed due to changes in Bootstrap defaults.

  • The version of FontAwesome package used by workshop dashboard and instructions rendererer upgrade from 5 to 6.

  • When redirected back to the training portal using a URL which contained a query string parameter for the purposes of displaying a notification banner, the URL as shown by the browser is rewritten so as not to include the query string parameters. Reloading the page or bookmarking the page for later use will now not result in the notification being persisted.

  • The version of Django used by the training portal was update from 3 to 4. This necessitated changes to trust model for CSRF tokens and CORS to make it more strict on allowed domains. This may have implications where workshops are being embedded within a separate web site so testing should be done before switching to the newer version of Educates.

  • The version of Fedora used by workshop base images, and other container images used by Educates operator and training portal, was updated to 39.

  • Update Kubernetes tools such as kubectl, kustomize, skaffold, Carvel tools, k9s etc to latest available version.

  • Update of VS Code editor version to latest available.

  • Update of tools such as jq, yq, dive etc to latest available version.

  • Bracketed paste mode was re-enabled for the workshop dashboard terminals. This was previously explicitly disabled in bash terminals as the frontend user interface implementation required it to be in order for clickable actions which paste into the terminal to work. The issue with the frontend user interface was previously addressed, but the option to disable bracketed paste mode in bash wasn’t removed at the time when it should have.

  • When using a editor clickable action, you could use a target path starting with ~/ to denote a file relative to the home directory of the workshop user. You can now also use the prefix $HOME/. Both are to avoid hard coding the /home/eduk8s path, which could in the future change if the name of the workshop user were ever changed.

  • Updated version of vcluster package used. Virtual clusters will now default to being created using Kubernetes 1.27. Kubernetes versions 1.22 through 1.24 are no longer supported and if selecting Kubernetes versions must be in range 1.25 through to 1.28.

Bugs Fixed

  • Kubernetes resource generation numbers were stored in the training portal database as the Django IntegerField type. This can only hold signed 32 bit values but the Kubernetes resource generation number can technically grow larger than 32 bits and uses 64 bits. When workshop updates are enabled, this might cause workshop environments to be refreshed whenever an event is generated for a workshop definition, even if there was no actual change as the comparison of the generation number would suggest it had changed since an incorrect value would have been stored in the database. The generation number was also stored for the training portal resource as well but it was not used internally beyond exposing it in data for a training portal via the REST API.

  • Filtering workshop environments based on state when requesting catalog of workshops via the training portal API wasn’t working and only workshop environments in running state were ever returned.

  • When using env defaults for all workshops, or specific workshops in the training portal definition, any changes to these in the training portal definition after the initial workshop environment had been created for a workshop, were not being reflected in subsequent workshop sessions created after that point.

  • Processing of Kyverno rules was not correctly injecting a namespace selector targeting workshop session namespaces when the Kyverno rule used a match.any or match.all condition. Consequence was that these rules were being applied to all namespaces and thus could have affected other applications deployed to the Kubernetes cluster besides Educates. The affected rules were disallow-ingress-nginx-custom-snippets, restrict-annotations restrict-ingress-paths and prevent-cr8escape.

  • Including TLS wildcard certificates embedded in the data values file was not working as there was a typo when looking up the data value. This meant that a secret was not created for the TLS wildcard certificate when embedded in data values file and Educates was only configured for plain HTTP and not HTTPS. This issue was inadvertantly added when support was added for supplying the TLS wildcard certificate and CA secrets as actual secrets rather than embedded in the data values file.

  • The generated CA secret was incorrectly setting the secret type to which resulted in Kubernetes rejecting it as it didn’t contain tls.crt and tls.key data attributes as required by Kubernetes for that type of secret. Secret type should have been left as default generic opaque data secret. This issue was inadvertantly introduced when support was added for providing the CA secret as an actual secret rather than being enmbedded in the data values file when deploying Educates.

  • Addressed possible issue with training portal whereby if a transient error occurred when looking up workshop environment using Kubernetes REST API immediately after creation, that database update would be rolled back but the workshop environment in the cluster would still exist, meaning that an attempt would me made to use the same workshop environment name the next time one is created, resulting in a conflict and inability to create any new workshop environments against that training portal.